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Composer: Greg Trooper, Sid Griffin

Billy Bragg - Everywhere lyrics

Dig in boys for an extended stay
Those were the final orders to come down that day
Waiting to be saved in the Philippines
You'll wait forever for the young Marines

Now I believe to be here is right
But I have to say that I'm scared tonight
Crouching in this hole with a mouth full of sand
What comes first, the country or the man

Look at those slanted eyes coming up over the hill
Catching us by surprise, it's time to kill or to be killed

Over here, over there, it's the same everywhere
A boy cries out for his mama before he dies for his home

All my life I wanted to be
As clever and strong as my best friend Lee
We grew up together along half Moon Bay
Lee was Japanese, born in the USA

When was fighting jerry along the River Seine
Me an Lee we wanted to do the same
The they bombed Pearl Harbor at the break of day
I was headed for these islands when Lee was hauled away

They said look at his slanted eyes, he's guilty as guilty can be
Sent here as enemy spies to sabotage the Land of the Free


I never got home, my platoon was never saved
That little fox hole became my island grave
Lee got out of jail but a prisoner he remained
Till he ended his own life to lose that ball and chain

And they said, Oh little Slanted Eyes can't you forgive and forget
And said, Oh Mr Friendly Ghost
Can you catch water in a net ?

Songs list of album: Don't Try This at Home (1991)
         Title Rating
01    Accident Waiting to Happen lyrics Add lyrics   -
02    Moving the Goalposts lyrics Add lyrics   -
03   Everywhere lyrics   -
04    Cindy of a Thousand Lives lyrics Add lyrics   -
05    You Woke up My Neighbourhood lyrics Add lyrics   -
06   Trust lyrics   -
07   God's Footballer lyrics   -
08   The Few lyrics   -
09   Sexuality lyrics   -
10    Mother of the Bride lyrics Add lyrics   -
11   Tank Park Salute lyrics   -
12   Dolphins lyrics   -
13   North Sea Bubble lyrics   -
14    Rumours of War lyrics Add lyrics   -
15   Wish You Were Her lyrics   -
16    Body of Water lyrics Add lyrics   -

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