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Tori Amos - Datura lyrics

get out of my garden
passion vine
taxas sage
indigo spires salvia
confederate jasmine
royal cape plumbago
arica palm
pygmy date palm
snow on the mountain
pink powderpuff
crinum lily
st. christopher's lily
silver dollar euca;yptus
white african iris
katie's charm ruella
variegated shell ginger
florida coonite
ming fern
sword fern
walking iris
chocolate cherries alamanda
awabuki viburnum
is there room in my heart
for you to follow your heart
and not need more blood
from the tip of your star
walking iris
chocolate cherries alamanda
awabuki viburnum
natal plum
black magic ti
mexican bush sage
gumbo limbo
golden shrip
belize shrimp
weping sabicu
golden shower tree
golden trumpet tree
bird of paridise
come in
variegated shell ginger
red velvet costus
xanadu philondron
snow queen hibiscus
bleeding heart
persian sheild
cat's whiskers
royal palm
sweet alyssum
petting bamboo
orange jasmine
clitoria blue pea
downy jasmine
dividing canaan
piece by piece
o let me see
dividing canaan
Songs list of album: To Venus and Back (1999)
         Title Rating
01   Bliss lyrics   -
02   Juarez lyrics   -
03   Concertina lyrics   -
04   Glory of the 80's lyrics   -
05   Lust lyrics   -
06   Suede lyrics   -
07   Josephine lyrics   -
08   Riot Poof lyrics   -
09   Datura lyrics   -
10   Spring Haze lyrics   -
11   1,000 Oceans lyrics   -
12   Precious Things [live] lyrics   -
13   Cruel [live] lyrics   -
14   Cornflake Girl [live] lyrics   -
15   Bells for Her [live] lyrics   -
16   Girl [live] lyrics   -
17    Cooling [live] lyrics Add lyrics   -
18   Mr. Zebra [live] lyrics   -
19    Cloud on My Tongue [live] lyrics Add lyrics   -
20    Sugar [live] lyrics Add lyrics   -
21   Little Earthquakes [live] lyrics   -
22   Space Dog [live] lyrics   -
23   The Waitress [live] lyrics   -
24   Purple People [live] lyrics   -

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