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Composer: Tori Amos

Tori Amos - Iieee lyrics

With your E's
And your ease
And I do one more
Need a lip gloss boost
In your america
Is it God's
Is it your's
Sweet saliva
With your E's
And your ease
And I do one more
I know we're dying
And there's no sign of a parachute
We scream in catherdrals
Why can't it be beautiful
Why does there
Gotta be a sacrifice
Just say yes
You little arsonist
You're so sure you can save
Every hair on my chest
Just say yes
You little arsonist
With your E's
And your ease
And I do one more
Well I know we're dying
And there's no sign of a parachute
In this Chapel
Little chapel of love
Can't we get a little grace
And some elegance
No we scream in cathedrals
Why can't it be beautiful
Why does there
Gotta be a sacrifice.
Songs list of album: From the Choirgirl Hotel (1998)
         Title Rating
01   Spark lyrics   -
02   Cruel lyrics   -
03   Black-Dove (January) lyrics   -
04   Raspberry Swirl lyrics   -
05   Jackie's Strength lyrics   -
06   Iieee lyrics   -
07   Liquid Diamonds lyrics   -
08   She's Your Cocaine lyrics   -
09   Northern Lad lyrics   -
10   Hotel lyrics   -
11   Playboy Mommy lyrics   -
12   Pandora's Aquarium lyrics   -

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