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Composer: Tori Amos

Tori Amos - Putting the Damage On lyrics

Stuck to my shoes
Does anyone konw why you play with an orange rind
You say you packed my things
And divided what was mine you're off to the mountain top
I say her skinny legs could use sun
But now I'm wishing
For my best impression
Of my best Angie Dickinson
But now I've got to worry
Cause boy you still look pretty
When you're putt the damage on

Don't make me scratch on you door
I never left you
For a banjo
I only just turned around for a poodle
And a corvette
And my impression
of my best Angie Dickinson
But now I've got to worry
Cause boy you still look pretty
When you're putting the damage on

I'm trying not to move
It's just you ghost
Passing through
I said
I'm trying not to move
It's just your ghost passing through
It's just your ghost
Passing through
And now
I'm quite sure
There's a light in you platoon
I never seen a light move
LIke yours
Can do to Me
So now I'm wishing
For my best impression
of my best Angie Dickinson
But now I've got to worry
Cause boy you still look pretty
To me
But I've got a place to go
I've got a ticket to your late show
And now I'm worrying cause even still
You sure are pretty
When you're putting the damage on
When you're putting the damage on
You're just so pretty
When you're putting the damage on.
Songs list of album: Paramount Theatre, Denver, CO 4/19/05 [live] (2005)
         Title Rating
01   Original Sinsuality lyrics   -
02   Little Amsterdam lyrics   -
03   Icicle lyrics   -
04   Your Cloud lyrics   -
05   Jamaica Inn lyrics   -
06    Father lyrics Add lyrics   -
07    Lucifer lyrics Add lyrics   -
08    Cool on Your Island lyrics Add lyrics   -
09    I Ran lyrics Add lyrics   -
10    Suzanne lyrics Add lyrics   -
11   The Power of Orange Knickers lyrics   -
12   Cloud on My Tongue lyrics   -
13   Space Dog lyrics   -
14   Parasol lyrics   -
15   Carbon lyrics   -
16   The Beekeeper lyrics   -
17   Leather lyrics   -
18   Putting the Damage On lyrics   -

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