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Composer: Tori Amos

Tori Amos - The Beekeeper lyrics

Flaxen hair blowing in the breeze

It is time for the geese to head south

I have come with my mustard seed

I cannot accept that she will be taken from me

"Do you know who I am" she said

"I'm the one who taps you on the shoulder when it's your time

Don't be afraid I promise that she will awake

Tomorrow somewhere

Tomorrow somewhere"

Wrap yourself around

The tree of life and the dance of the infinity

Of the hive

Take this message to Michael

I will comb myself into chains

In between the tap dance clan

And your ballerina gang

I have come for the beekeeper

I know you want my

You want my queen

Anything but this

Can you use me instead?

In your gown with your breathing mask

Plugged into a heart machien

As if you ever needed one

I must see the beekeeper I must see if she'll keep her alive

Call Engine 49 I have come with my mustard seed

Maybe I'm passing you by

Just passing you by girl

I'm passing you by

On my way

On my way

I'm just passing you by

But don't be confused

One day I'll be coming for you...

I must see the beekeeper

I must see the beekeeper<p align="center"><font size="3"><b><a href="index.htm"><u>
Songs list of album: Paramount Theatre, Denver, CO 4/19/05 [live] (2005)
         Title Rating
01   Original Sinsuality lyrics   -
02   Little Amsterdam lyrics   -
03   Icicle lyrics   -
04   Your Cloud lyrics   -
05   Jamaica Inn lyrics   -
06    Father lyrics Add lyrics   -
07    Lucifer lyrics Add lyrics   -
08    Cool on Your Island lyrics Add lyrics   -
09    I Ran lyrics Add lyrics   -
10    Suzanne lyrics Add lyrics   -
11   The Power of Orange Knickers lyrics   -
12   Cloud on My Tongue lyrics   -
13   Space Dog lyrics   -
14   Parasol lyrics   -
15   Carbon lyrics   -
16   The Beekeeper lyrics   -
17   Leather lyrics   -
18   Putting the Damage On lyrics   -

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