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Composer: Scott Weiland, Dean DeLeo, Robert DeLeo

Stone Temple Pilots - Wicked Garden lyrics

Can you feel like a child?
Can you see what I want?
I wanna run through your wicked garden
Heard that's the place to find ya
But I'm alive
So alive now
I know the darkness blinds you
Can you see without eyes?
Can you speak without lies?
I wanna drink from your naked fountain
I can drown your sorrows
I'm gonna burn
Burn you to life now
Out of the chains that bind you

Burn burn burn
Burn your wicked garden down

Can you feel pain inside?
Can you love?
Can you cry?
I wanna run through your wicked garden
Heard that's the place to find you
But I'm alive
So alive now
Out of the dark that blinds you
Songs list of album: Core (1992)
         Title Rating
01    Dead & Bloated lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Sex Type Thing lyrics   -
03   Wicked Garden lyrics   -
04    No Memory lyrics Add lyrics   -
05    Sin lyrics Add lyrics   -
06   Naked Sunday lyrics   -
07   Creep lyrics  
08    Piece of Pie lyrics Add lyrics   -
09   Plush lyrics   -
10   Wet My Bed lyrics   -
11   Crackerman lyrics   -
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