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Composer: Chris Ballew, Presidents of the United States of America

Presidents of the United States of America - Volcano lyrics

Under the island... middle of a mountain
There is a big bad... boomin' system
Blowin' speakers... woofers and tweeters
Amplifiers... melted wires
The party exploded... the core is corroded
Under ground... the Puget Sound
Cause a shiftin'... and a driftin'
Big black boom box... stuck in the hot rock
It's in there flowin'... in there growin'
You don't believe me... that this scenery
Could be a cold blooded killer

It's gonna blow... Volcano

Now the island is shiftin'... the plates are liftin'
The core is creamy... docile and dreamy
Stopped up and steamy
Happy campers... poop in their pampers
When the mountain... becomes a fountain
Of white hot lava... molten magma
Super sonic... plate tectonics
Stereo phonic... lava and tonic
The boom is bionic
Sony shut down... Magnavox meltdown
Ballistic breakdown
Hi-fi heatwave... lo-fi lava cave
That sulfur smells... Mt.St.Helens
Pompeii was yellin'...

It's gonna blow... Volcano
Songs list of album: Presidents of the United States of America: II (1996)
         Title Rating
01    Ladies and Gentlemen, Pt. 1 lyrics Add lyrics   -
02    Lunatic to Love lyrics Add lyrics   -
03   Volcano lyrics   -
04   Mach 5 lyrics   -
05   Twig lyrics   -
06   Bug City lyrics   -
07    Bath of Fire lyrics Add lyrics   -
08   Tiki God lyrics   -
09    Lip lyrics Add lyrics   -
10   Froggie lyrics   -
11   Toob Amplifier lyrics   -
12   Supermodel lyrics  
13   Puffy Little Shoes lyrics   -
14    Ladies and Gentlemen, Pt. 2 lyrics Add lyrics   -

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