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#  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

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Composer: Greg Graffin

Bad Religion - My Poor Friend Me lyrics

i know a man
who doesnt have many friends
i know a place he lives
where trouble never ends
i know its hard for him
to read 'tween the lines
and his days are getting so much shorter
he simply turns away
instead of bearing down
his ship is crumbling
his crew is one of clowns
he doesnt care
as long as he can wear the crown
i know this man all too well
its my poor friend me
a portrayal of the great dichotomy
(a reminder of a tragic history)
its my poor friend me
and im running out of steam
i know there are people
who are cynical and vane
they point their finger
'cuz they can't accept the blame
they live their lives
under a blanket of shame and their progeny
crawl from underneath it
lately i've come
to see the solution
and it begins with me
but i'm so fallibly human
i've picked the lot
Songs list of album: Recipe for Hate (1993)
         Title Rating
01    Recipe for Hate lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Kerosene lyrics   -
03   American Jesus lyrics  
04   Portrait of Authority lyrics   -
05    Man With a Mission lyrics Add lyrics   -
06   All Good Soldiers lyrics   -
07   Watch It Die lyrics   -
08    Struck a Nerve lyrics Add lyrics   -
09   My Poor Friend Me lyrics   -
10   Lookin' In lyrics   -
11   Don't Pray On Me lyrics   -
12   Modern Day Catastrophists lyrics   -
13   Skyscraper lyrics   -
14   Stealth lyrics   -

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