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Composer: Robert Pollard

Guided by Voices - Navigating Flood Regions lyrics

Spy ??shouting?? the crew let's string him up
Wise up to the captain where's my coffee cup
And it's been an adventurous day
The ship floats but it won't float away
Let's us stay
Don your favorite costume here we go
Belt a song if you're not real long and slow
And you doing a wonderful job
Shaping up with a competent mob
It's your job
It's as long as wide and just beginning
Been around for aeons just like me
Grab your money and let's go for all the winnings
Cast your soul into the jagged sea
It's the number on your head
Now you're dead
Stuff you down the barrel of a cannon
Let you see the world as something to see
Take you to the corners of the playground
Let you watch the traffic through the trees
It's the number on your head
Now you're dead
And we run as the war trumpet blows
And the judge with the list of no-shows
Songs list of album: Self-Inflicted Aerial Nostalgia (1989)
         Title Rating
01    The Future Is in Eggs lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   The Great Blake St. Canoe Race lyrics   -
03    Slopes of Big Ugly lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   Paper Girl lyrics   -
05   Navigating Flood Regions lyrics   -
06   An Earful O' Wax lyrics   -
07   White Whale lyrics   -
08   Trampoline lyrics   -
09    Short on Posters lyrics Add lyrics   -
10    Chief Barrell Belly lyrics Add lyrics   -
11    Dying to Try This lyrics Add lyrics   -
12   The Qualifying Remainder lyrics   -
13   Liar's Tale lyrics   -
14    Radio Show (Trust the Wizard) lyrics Add lyrics   -

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