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Composer: Robert Smith, Simon Gallup, Boris Williams, Lol Tolhurst, Roger O'Donnell, Porl Thompson

The Cure - Homesick lyrics

hey hey! just one more and I'll walk away all
Hey hey! just one more and i'll walk away
the everything you win turns to nothing today
All the everything you win turns to nothing today
and I forget when to move when my mouth is this
And i forget when to move when my mouth is this
dry and my eyes are bursting hearts in a blood-
Dry and my eyes are bursting hearts in a blood-stained sky
stained sky oh it was sweet it was wild and oh
Oh it was sweet it was wild and oh how we...
how we...i trembled stuck in honey honey
I trembled stuck in honey
cling to me so just one more just one more go
Honey cling to me so just one more just one more
inspire in me the desire in me to never go home
Go inspire in me the desire in me to never go home

Oh just one more and i'll walk away
oh just one more and I'll walk away all the
All the everything you win turns to nothing today
everything you win turns to nothing today so
So just one more just one more go inspire in me
just one more just one more go inspire in me
The desire in me to never go home
the desire in me to never go home
Songs list of album: Entreat [live] (1991)
         Title Rating
01    Pictures of You lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Closedown lyrics   -
03   Last Dance lyrics   -
04   Fascination Street lyrics   -
05    Prayers for Rain lyrics Add lyrics   -
06   Disintegration lyrics   -
07   Homesick lyrics   -
08   Untitled lyrics   -

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