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Composer: Buffalo Tom

Buffalo Tom - I'm Allowed lyrics

Waited for an answer
But I waited for twenty five years
They stopped my bleeding
But could never stop all those tears

I waited for the day when
He came out from beneath all that weight
I tried to lift it
But it seems I got there too

Just to late
Just to late
Cause I'm allowed

Came to the party
But I got my own signals crossed
Thought I was welcome
But I felt like I should get lost

I know that I'm older
Cause I feel that everywhere
I could talk to no one
Cause I knew not one person

No one's there
They just stared
But they're allowed

As vivid as a car wreck
Watch them dripping off highway ramps
She came to me smiling
Her heart underneath both her hands

She spoke of a French boy
At least two times through the night
It could have been the liquor
Or the music but that is

All right
That's all right
She's allowed
And I'm allowed
I'm allowed
I'm allowed

(c) 1993 Scrawny Music, BMI
Songs list of album: Big Red Letter Day (1993)
         Title Rating
01    Soda Jerk lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   I'm Allowed lyrics   -
03   Tree House lyrics   -
04   Would Not Be Denied lyrics   -
05   Latest Monkey lyrics   -
06   My Responsibility lyrics   -
07   Dry Land lyrics   -
08   Torch Singer lyrics   -
09    Late at Night lyrics Add lyrics   -
10   Suppose lyrics   -
11   Anything That Way lyrics   -

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