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The Singing Kettle - Bear Came Over the Mountain lyrics

The Bear came over the mountain,
the bear came over the mountain,
the bear came over the mountain,
to see what he could see.
But all that he could see, but all that he could see,
was the other side of the mountain,
the other side of the mountain,
the other side of the mountain, was all that he could see!

The ape came over the mountain,
the ape came over the mountain,
the ape came over the mountain,
to see what he could see.
But all that he could see, but all that he could see,
was the other side of the mountain,
the other side of the mountain,
the other side of the mountain, was all that he could see!

The cat came over the mountain,
the cat came over the mountain,
the cat came over the mountain,
to see what he could see.
But all that he could see, but all that he could see,
was the other side of the mountain,
the other side of the mountain,
the other side of the mountain, was all that he could see!

The donkey came over the mountain,
the donkey came over the mountain,
the donkey came over the mountain,
to see what he could see.
But all that he could see, but all that he could see,
was the other side of the mountain,
the other side of the mountain,
the other side of the mountain, was all that he could see!

The elephant came over the mountain,
the elephant came over the mountain,
the elephant came over the mountain,
to see what he could see.
But all that he could see, but all that he could see,
was the other side of the mountain,
the other side of the mountain,
the other side of the mountain, was all that he could see!

The zebra came over the mountain,
the zebra came over the mountain,
the zebra came over the mountain,
to see what he could see.
But all that he could see, but all that he could see,
was the other side of the mountain,
the other side of the mountain,
the other side of the mountain, was all that he could see!
Songs list of album: Blast Off (2005)
         Title Rating
01    Singing Kettle Theme lyrics Add lyrics   -
02    Blast Off lyrics Add lyrics   -
03    Aiken Drum lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   Bear Came Over the Mountain lyrics  
05    Get Up and Go lyrics Add lyrics   -
06    Space Race lyrics Add lyrics   -
07    Play Electric Guitar lyrics Add lyrics   -
08    Twinkle, Twinkle Animals lyrics Add lyrics   -
09    Birthday Wishes lyrics Add lyrics   -
10    The Strangest Little Creatures lyrics Add lyrics   -
11    Bonzo lyrics Add lyrics   -
12    Bobby Bingo lyrics Add lyrics   -
13    Favourite Colours lyrics Add lyrics   -
14    What's Inside the Singing Kettle lyrics Add lyrics   -

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