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Composer: Spunge

Spunge - Second Rate lyrics

"man -I love the way, you never stop your frowning,
but if i saw you drowning,
I wouldnt waste my time to rescue you.

woman -love the way, you eat soup with your fingers
the way your oder lingers,
for hours after you have left the room

both -I love the way that even though we fight we know that it'll be alright
I know why we get on so great were second rate

man -I love the way you never give up trying,
but when your old and dieing
I will be the one to care for you

woman -I love the way you live life on the sofa
your as lively as a coma
I should have told you long ago we're through

both -I love the way that even though we fight we know that it'll be alright
I know why we get on so great were second rate

man -GO

both -I love the way that even though we fight we know that it'll be alright
I know that we get on so great were second rate

woman -We're ok

man -Oh you really think so?

woman -To be honest I just dont know

both -But we put up with it anyway

both -I love the way that even though we fight we know that it'll be alright
I know that we get on so great were second rate

[nice harmony, cannon Na-ing bit]
Songs list of album: Room for Abuse (2000)
         Title Rating
01   Live Another Day lyrics   -
02   Get Along lyrics   -
03   Break Up lyrics   -
04   No Woman, No Cry lyrics   -
05   All Gone Wrong lyrics   -
06   Dubstyle lyrics   -
07   Wake up Call lyrics   -
08   Disco Kid lyrics   -
09   All She Ever Wants lyrics   -
10   Ego lyrics   -
11   Second Rate lyrics   -
12   Nothing to Hide lyrics   -
13   Go Away lyrics   -
14   Rockability lyrics   -
15   Santeria lyrics   -
16   Room for Abuse lyrics   -

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