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Composer: Stefan Weinerhall

Falconer - Ravenhair lyrics

[The Queen:]
-There you finally are, sister of the winds
And mother of my future deeds.
I'm in a battle I yet can't win,
So help me and tell me what you need.

[The Witch:]
-Let's hear what burdens your royal heart bears,
Is it a burden of love or of hate?
Tell me what obstacle lies in your way
And I'll see what can be done to fate.

[The Queen:]
-Twice they count, the unfaithful.
The infidels of the crown.
The dark one's pretenders
Trying to bring us down.

So let your magic be unleashed
And dispose of the false serpents of the night.

[The Witch:]
-Poorly my powers will bite, I can not harm royal blood.
I am not able to assist you in your fight.

[The Queen:]
-Witch, be gone then out of my sight
And take your feeble pitiable tricks and hide.

[The Witch:]
-I shall be gone soon, though I give you one advice:
Take the highest caution your wisdom can provide.
Songs list of album: The Sceptre of Deception (2003)
         Title Rating
01   The Coronation lyrics   -
02    The Trail of Flames lyrics Add lyrics   -
03    Under the Sword lyrics Add lyrics   -
04    Night of Infamy lyrics Add lyrics   -
05   Hooves Over Northland lyrics   -
06    Pledge for Freedom lyrics Add lyrics   -
07   Ravenhair lyrics   -
08    The Spectre of Deception lyrics Add lyrics   -
09   Hear Me Pray lyrics   -
10    Child of Innocence lyrics Add lyrics   -

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