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Dreadlock Pussy - Blue lyrics

is this justice or is it wrong? I got right back what I gave you
revenge or not took too long and now everything is lost
there is so much left in me to give but I give up

I want to hate want to break
fade away I want to make it up

miss this but shit like that don't come by twice so I break it
all off when I really need could be sweet can't you see this
in my eyes can't make you love me again but I'll try

I want to get back where it started I need to move on but I'm
too brokenhearted I need to stop crying but I can't I want to
stop dying but I can't stop what I started

don't stay just walk away but you got me glued right here so
myself I hate for letting this slip away is it fate? some like
to think so but that thought I cannot take

and everything reminds me of you
and everything's a bright shiny blue
Songs list of album: Sharp Instead (2006)
         Title Rating
01    Null lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Choke lyrics   -
03   You Like lyrics   -
04   Altamira lyrics   -
05   Pipe Down lyrics   -
06   Next Question lyrics   -
07   Spook lyrics   -
08    An Evening with Knives lyrics Add lyrics   -
09   Snuff lyrics   -
10   100 Stories lyrics   -
11    Dis Ease lyrics Add lyrics   -
12   Blue lyrics   -

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