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Composer: Aurora Borealis

Aurora Borealis - Triumph Again lyrics

This day comes to soon, one more life I must consume
One more life I need to gain the freedom that I seek

Led through the tunnels and labyrinths so deep
Prisoners and slaves encircling me
I am but one, one of the same
When the sun sets this all shall change

We who are about to die, we salute you
We who are about to die, we salute you

Five men in, one leaves
Today there will be no mercy
Lust for blood grows strong
Not from me but ones watching on

We who are about to die, we salute you
We who are about to die, we salute you

Catching the gleam of a childs glad eye
Cheering and laughing while watching them die
In the arena of death they shall fall
To the delight and enjoyment of all

Verbera strike deaths blow
The last ones my hands shall know
Triumph I have seen another triumph there will not be
Songs list of album: Time, Unveiled (2003)
         Title Rating
01   Triumph Again lyrics   -
02   Sky Burial lyrics   -
03   Searching lyrics   -
04   Transversing the Tides lyrics   -
05   Berserker lyrics   -
06   The Last Day lyrics   -
07   Reign lyrics   -
08   Sixteenth Chamber [*] lyrics   -
09   Slave to the Grave [*] lyrics   -

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