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Zoetrope - Prohibition lyrics

In an abandoned warehouse late at night in the shipping yards
The gangsters keep a watchful eye for the man in blue
As a loaded semi pulls up to an empty dock
The rear door opens to reveal the demon alcohol


Restriction drinking's against the law
Prohibition the demon alcohol

A heavy profit's to be turned on this mountain dew
But if you're caught you might get killed or thrown in jail
But what's the fuss it's soon to be legal anyway
So you may as well go with the flow of things to come


What you see is what you get on a one shot deal
So make it now and worry later about the end result
When the loaded semi pulls up to the empty dock
You'll get another week's supply of alcohol

Songs list of album: Life of Crime (1987)
         Title Rating
01   Detention lyrics   -
02   Seeking Asylum lyrics   -
03   Promiscuity lyrics   -
04    NASA lyrics Add lyrics   -
05   Unbridled Energy lyrics   -
06   Prohibition lyrics   -
07   Company Man lyrics   -
08   Pickpocket lyrics   -
09    Hard to Survive lyrics Add lyrics   -

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