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Composer: James P. Johnson

Vroom - Charleston lyrics

The trip started well, they packed up their bags and packed into the cars

Made the six hour drive to wrap up the year with friends that they love.

That's when everyone tries to be someone else.

I say, what's so bad about being yourself?

they'll send their innocence away until a rainy day or when their caught.

And maybe in a couple years they'll understand the truth they forgot.

Then the hour approached the good kids turned bad the bad kids turned worse

They'd like chaos to rule cause no one feels guilt when mayhem ensues

that's when everyone tries to be someone else.

I say, what's so bad about being yourself?

They'll send their innocence away until a rainy day or when their caught.

And maybe in a couple years they'll understand the truth they forgot.

I can't believe that this is true.

What did you think that this would make you cool?

and while you're living in excess

all the anthems you profess you don't possess.

Everyone tries to be someone else,

what's so bad about being yourself?

They'll send their innocence away until a rainy day or when their caught.

And maybe in a couple years they'll understand the truth they forgot.
Songs list of album: Throws Like a Girl (2001)
         Title Rating
01   Sorry Excuse lyrics   -
02   I Can't Stand Another Minute Here lyrics   -
03   I Get Nervous lyrics   -
04   Jim's Song lyrics   -
05   Peter Vest (I Stole Your N64) lyrics   -
06   25 Years lyrics   -
07   Right About Me lyrics   -
08    I'm a Jerk lyrics Add lyrics   -
09   Ella lyrics   -
10   Charleston lyrics   -
11   You've Changed lyrics   -
12   Dumb Like That lyrics   -

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