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Composer: Shattersphere

Shattersphere - Still Life lyrics

For every time I have to listen to you scream
I'll break apart the image of you smiling back at me

Why does it have to be this way?
Don't expect me to stay

And it seems that all you've cared about is slowly washing away
And I've become just a stepping stone as all the memories fade
Yet I still let the guilt come over me
I'll still tell you lies until I die and wonder what is wrong with me

I think I know this feeling but it's never been so strong
You thought that I forgot about it but it can never feel too long

You take my life into your hands
You like to throw me down then watch me try to stand

I think I have this vision of what will soon be lost
I'm not afraid of you because I know that you are all talk
Songs list of album: Shattersphere (2004)
         Title Rating
01    Lost in the Flames lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Synasthesia lyrics   -
03   Gravity lyrics   -
04   Inside My Head lyrics   -
05    The Concept of Infinity lyrics Add lyrics   -
06   Still Life lyrics   -
07   Phantoms lyrics   -
08   Incomplete Sanity lyrics   -
09   Reflections lyrics   -

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