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Reggie Miles - You Can Be a Street Musician lyrics

You can be a street musician!
It doesn’t take a lot of ambition.
It don’t take talent or ejamakation.
And it beats workin’ at a fillin’ station.

(Or for some theivin’, lyin’ corporation like Worldcom or Enron, or one of them other dot cons. I could go on, but what’s the use.)

So come on down and don’t be shy.
Sing songs to folks as they walk by.
Strum and rant and stomp your feet,
Express yourself out on the street.

(It’s called freedom of expression. It’s not guaranteed via the ever- increasing constant tuition, as some would have you believe. It is promised to every red blooded American by the first amendment of the Constitution.)

You can sing requests all day long.
It don’t matter if the words are wrong.
Pour your heart out or just play covers.
Sing the blues about your lost lovers.

(Oh where, oh where has my little love gone?)

If you want, you can get political,
Just as long as you’re not a little too critical.
Sing silly songs to make folks laugh.
Don’t have to cut your hair or take a bath.

[Sniff, sniff] (Smells like somethin’ died. I hope it’s not my song.)

You can arise from bed at the crack of noon.
Spend an hour or so just to get in tune.
Swallow a steamin’ black pot o’ jo,
To get yourself up before the show.

(No, I would not like cream or sugar with that. On second thought, better make mine a root-beer float.)

Then look around for a likely location,
To begin your musical vocation.
At an outdoor market or a subway station,
Or where ever folks need edification.

(Right here ______ looks like a good place to start.)

Divorce yourself from the ol’ rat race,
And open up your guitar case.
You’re sure to find somebody who,
Will be happy to donate a buck or two.

(A quarter, a dime or a nickel’ll do. How about a penny, or the keys to your SUVs?)

You can make a million dollars a year,
If you start out with two million‘s what I hear.
It’s easy to do, take it from me,
It’s more fun than playin’ the lottery.

(And all the money goes to the sick, the tired and the hungry and you’re lookin’ at ‘im. I am so sick and tired of bein’ sick and tired and hungry.)

You can be your own boss and employee too,
With nobody to tell you what to do.
Record and sell your own CD,
Start your own recording company.

(I think I’ll call mine “Starvin’ For Your Attention Productions”.)

So if you’re lookin’ for a brand new job,
And you don’t want to beg or steal or rob,
Take my advice, here’s what to do,
Become a street musician too!

(But it’ll cost ya. I hear their thinkin’ of raisin’ the street musician permit fee from $15 to $50. Looks like I gotta git a job just to be able to afford play music on the street music fer a livin’. Hmmm Wus up wi dat?)

But if you worry about making money,
Better find yourself a rich little honey.
Then you can just sit around and play,
On your guitar all the livelong day.

(Huh? What’s that honey? You want me to get a what? How about I become a street musician? Yep, that’s what I thought you’d say. How dare she use them four letter words around me, like w-o-r-k and a-j-o-b!)

You can lose a lot of weight playin’ music on the street.
Cuz sometimes you can’t make enough to afford to eat.
I saw a bunch o’ them buskers in the alley up the street.
They were so poor. I said they were so poor. How poor were they?
They were so poor, they were sharin’ one tiny cigareet.

(No comment!)

You can be weight watchers and watch me lose,
Hundreds of pounds whilst I’m singin’ these blues.
I’ll waste away right before your eyes,
Till my skin ‘n’ bones are fossilized.

(Won’t be enough left over to even attract the flies. ‘S what I surmise.)
Songs list of album: Fresh Picked (2007)
         Title Rating
01   You Can Be a Street Musician lyrics   -
02    Homeless Broke and Hungry lyrics Add lyrics   -
03    Owed to the A.L.F. lyrics Add lyrics   -
04    A Dilly of a Tale (The Pickle Song) lyrics Add lyrics   -
05    Wanted: Used Car lyrics Add lyrics   -
06    Grossosity! lyrics Add lyrics   -
07    I'll Do Anything to Make a Buck lyrics Add lyrics   -
08    F-R-E-E lyrics Add lyrics   -
09    Shelter from the Rain lyrics Add lyrics   -
10    Dream Come True lyrics Add lyrics   -
11    Only Memories Remain lyrics Add lyrics   -
12    Duct and Cover lyrics Add lyrics   -
13    Katrina Blues lyrics Add lyrics   -
14    Blue Collar Blues lyrics Add lyrics   -
15   Ahukahubba How Bout You? lyrics   -

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