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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

#  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

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Composer: Rav Shmuel

Rav Shmuel - Realistic X lyrics

I wrote about you to myself, I never seem to do much else
‘Least I save a lot on postage
I know not what the contents say, though I wrote it only yesterday
I’d like to think I’ve shut that door real tight

I’ve been thinking about you now, you might be out their in the crowd
And I could ask your hand in marriage
Though that might be a big mistake, I think it’s one I’d like to make
And hope that it would turn out right

You might’ve meant something to me
Why did you have to ask for everything you knew I could not give you
And then it was much too late for me to get you back on track
To realistic expectations (2x)

I’ll put your book up on my shelf, though I don’t think it’ll be much help
I don’t have time to read about your courage
‘Bout how you lay there in the swamp, fighting creepy insects off
And finally made it through the night

I get you in analogy, I get your attempt to capture me
I get you want me in your entourage
But I don’t think so, honey, your world has too much value placed on money
Instead, I turn and say goodbye


So now I lay awake at night, thinking about your eyes so bright
And how my soul they did nourish
How all people used to say it was so alike in so many ways
And how we’d walk and hold our heads up high

I dream about us in the park, we cannot talk but we can walk about
In figure eights with flourish
And when we reach the parking lot, I want to hug you but I cannot
Instead, I turn and say goodbye


You might’ve meant something to me
Why did you have to ask for everything you knew I could not give you
And then it was much too late for me to get you back on track
To realistic expectations
Songs list of album: Protocols (2006)
         Title Rating
01    Dumb World lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Somebody Else lyrics  
03   Big Talkers lyrics  
04   I Feel Lover lyrics  
05   Protocols lyrics  
06   Realistic X lyrics  
07   Last Chance lyrics  
08   Confused lyrics  
09   Social Suicide lyrics  
10   Itinerant Plea lyrics  
11   I Am Oxygen lyrics  
12   Fatherland lyrics  

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