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Stampin' Ground - Betrayed by Many lyrics

The time is now
The time is right
To forget old scores
Finally unite
This time we'll win
Dreams come alive
Is finally on the rise

Unity is bullshit
Another exclusive club
Where egotists can gather
To boast of what they've done
We can shout all we like
And make our best laid plans
But actions are what count
To you I extend my hand

I'm still here
Where the fuck are you?
Traitors come and Traitors go
Given time, their true colours will show

Unity means nothing
Unless it means everything
Not just who's deemed worthy
As flavour of the month
Those who make the most noise
Are usually first to bite the dust
And those who shout the loudest
Are the ones you cannot trust

I'm still here
Where the fuck are you?
Traitors come and Traitors go
Given time, their true colours will show

As the years past
Their unity came and it went
And when it really counted
Nothing's all their words meant

The time is now
The time is right
To forget old scores
Finally unite
This time we'll win
Dreams come alive
Is finally on the rise
Songs list of album: An Expression of Repressed Violence (2006)
         Title Rating
01   Lesion lyrics   -
02   Emasculate lyrics   -
03   The Death You Deserve lyrics   -
04   My Will Be Done lyrics   -
05   I Am Legend lyrics   -
06   Betrayed by Many lyrics   -
07   Fear the Parting Darkness lyrics   -
08   Boiling Point lyrics   -
09   Break the Mould lyrics   -
10   Shapeshifter lyrics   -

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