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Silly Wizard - Willie Archer lyrics

O as I was a-walking down by yon mill-town,
The fair and lovely mountains they did me surround;
'Twas there I saw a fair maid, and to me she looked grand;
She was plucking wild roses on the banks of the Bann.

So I stepped up to this fair one, and to her I did say,
"Since nature has formed us for to meet on this day --
Since nature has formed us, won't you give me your hand,
And we will walk together on the banks of the Bann."

Now it being a summer's evening and a fine quiet place,
I knew by the blushes that appeared on her face....
We both lay down together unto a bed of sand,
And she rolled into my arms on the banks of the Bann.

"O young man, you have wronged me; won't you tell me your name,
That when my babe is born I may give it the same?"
"My name is Willie Archer, and I'd have you understand
That my home and habitation lie close by the Bann.

"But I cannot marry you, for apprenticed I'm bound
To the spinning and the weaving in Rathfriland town.
But when my time is over I will give you my hand
And we will be married on the banks of the Bann."

So come all you fair maidens, take warning by me:
Don't go out a-courting at one, two, or three.
Don't go out a-courting so late if you can,
Or you'll meet with Willie Archer on the banks of the Bann.
Songs list of album: Glint of Silver (1986)
         Title Rating
01    Roarin' Donald/The Man Who Shot the Windmill/A Glint of Siver lyrics Add lyrics   -
02    The Secret Portrait/Wha'll Be King But Cherlie? lyrics Add lyrics   -
03   Lover's Heart lyrics   -
04    When Summer Ends lyrics Add lyrics   -
05   The Chill Eastern Winds lyrics   -
06   Willie Archer lyrics   -
07    Simon Mackenzie's Welcome to His Twin Sisters/Farewell to "The Heb" lyrics Add lyrics   -
08    The Blackbird of Sweet Avondale lyrics Add lyrics   -

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