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Live Oak Decline - Too Many Dollars lyrics

Living large seems like the only form for you and I
A house in every little country that we really like
We'll hit the ganja and go surfing 'til our lips are soggy
We'll spin Bob Marley, David Bowie, and big Bob Dylan
You know it's ok to have dreams that seem so far away that every little hurdle's like a brick wall with syringes at the top, and when you grab 'em, you're injected with a syrum that'll make you smoke the chronic, sniff the lady, drink the drop
But is it ok to start acting like a man who has a million dollar plan when it's no million dollar plan?
Too many fakers
Too many takers
Too many dollars paying all the fakers
But it seems that you don't have to be a singer to sing, a drummer to have drums, an adult to take life, be cool if you are hot, be hot if you're a slut
You can eat the butter, have the rolls, fit into your bathing suit, and if you get fat doing that, still find love on cyber chat acting like a skinny beauty, acting like you have the money, when all you have is your computer shining on your boner
Songs list of album: Hello World (2007)
         Title Rating
01   Woody Harrelson lyrics  
02   Meet Me at the Climbing Tree lyrics   -
03   Does Anything Ever Change? lyrics   -
04   Coffee & Cars lyrics   -
05   A Song to Fall Asleep To lyrics   -
06   The Earth Is Much Bigger lyrics   -
07   Too Many Dollars lyrics   -
08   I Forgot How Sweet It Is lyrics   -
09   Sweet Oxygen lyrics   -
10   Black Edged Letters lyrics   -
11   Control lyrics   -

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