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Live Oak Decline - The Earth Is Much Bigger lyrics

The earth is much bigger than me
I'm just a tiny man
But I am a giant to all the atoms in my hand
You can't see me looking down from space
I'm dying
I'm falling
I am running out of time
My bank is much smaller
I'll be counting all my dimes
No one hears you cry when you're in space
Oh, sweet harmony
I wanna fly like a bird
Hold my breath for hours at a time
What I'd give to live forever
But I'm happy as a human on this earth
Tell me, please
Where's the peace?
We keep killing eachother
Now we're killing the earth
You wanna know why you should come back down?
Would it kill you to say that you wanna be something?
You wanna know why you should come back down?
Well, for one, you know you're alive
Let me know that you will come back down
I'll do what you say
Now, isn't that something?
You wanna know why you should come back down?
I love that you are alive
Can you say, "What the fuck?"
I have and will a thousand times
As soon as I reach the top, you choose the steapest side to push me down
As I'm falling, getting pulvorized, I think about naked chicks with ocean colored eyes
I'll ask again
Can you say, "What the fuck?"
Songs list of album: Hello World (2007)
         Title Rating
01   Woody Harrelson lyrics  
02   Meet Me at the Climbing Tree lyrics   -
03   Does Anything Ever Change? lyrics   -
04   Coffee & Cars lyrics   -
05   A Song to Fall Asleep To lyrics   -
06   The Earth Is Much Bigger lyrics   -
07   Too Many Dollars lyrics   -
08   I Forgot How Sweet It Is lyrics   -
09   Sweet Oxygen lyrics   -
10   Black Edged Letters lyrics   -
11   Control lyrics   -

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