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Jerry Pellegrino - Go Way lyrics

If she happen to come by here
Mama tell da woman go way
'Cause lately she's been actin' weird
(Mama tell da woman go way)
She eat me out of hut and coconut
(Mama tell da woman go way)
Afraid da marriage is breakin' up
(Mama tell da woman go way)

She don't wash da clothes,
don't cook da food
I come back home she in bad mood
She sleep all day
Stay up all night
And no more lovin', just all fight
So, Mama, if she come tell her go way
(Go way)
(Mama tell da woman go way)
(Go way)

It was not so long ago
(Mama tell da woman go way)
The sun would shine, cool wind would blow
(Mama tell da woman go way)
But now me live with rain and storm
(Mama tell da woman go way)
Tell me Mama what go wrong?
(Mama tell da woman go way)

You know, I leave here for a better life
I take da vows, I take da wife
But now I need an ambassador
So, if she come and knock on da door
Mama tell da woman go way
(Mama tell da woman go way)
(Mama tell da woman go way)
(Mama tell da woman go way)

Oh, Mama, tell da woman go way
If she come around here now, tell her
Oh, Mama, tell da woman go way
Oh, Mama, tell her go way now
Oh, if she come knockin' on da door now
Oh, Mama, tell her go way
Oh, Mama, tell her go way now
Tell her, tell her Mama

'Cause she don't wash da clothes,
don't cook da food
I come back home she in bad mood
She sleep all day
Stay up all night
And no more lovin', just all fight
So, Mama [knocking sound]
Oh, Mama
Did you hear that Mama?

I hear her knockin' at the door
And Mama did you hear what she say?
She say she wants it like before
(Mama did you hear what she say?)
I guess I been a bit unfair
(Mama did you hear what she say?)
'Cause in my heart, oh, I still care
So, Mama don't tell da woman go way
(Mama don't tell da woman go way)
(Mama don't tell da woman go way)
Songs list of album: The Tropical Cowboy (2002)
         Title Rating
01   How Can I Miss You (If You Won't Go Away) lyrics   -
02   Cool Your Jets lyrics   -
03   If the Love Fits, Wear It lyrics   -
04    The Beach.... lyrics Add lyrics   -
05   The Beach Blues lyrics   -
06   Little Girl of the Mountains lyrics   -
07   Stuck in Construction lyrics   -
08   Go Way lyrics   -
09   Show Me a Little Honesty lyrics   -
10   The Tropical Cowboy lyrics   -
11   Seize the Day lyrics   -

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