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Jerry Pellegrino - How Can I Miss You (If You Won't Go Away) lyrics

You wanna know if I love you, if I want you
If I need you at least ninety times a week
You want some reassurance
From a man with no endurance
And a mouth too tired to speak
Yes, I love you, yes, I want you
Yes, I need you, love you, want you
Yes, you set my heart aglow
But when you ask me if I miss you, honey
I don't really know

'Cause how can I miss you
if you won't go away
There's just so many questions
a man can answer in one day
The minute hand turns the hour hand
And then the hour hand turns astray
So, how can I miss you
if you won't go away

And when I'm sittin' in my easy chair
You ask me if I like your hair
And do you look fat in this dress
I've told you 'bout a million times
your hair looks nice your weight is fine
Now can't we just give it a rest?
Then you ask me if I care for you
And if my sholder's there for you
Yes, all of the above is true
But when you ask me if I miss you, honey
That's sort of hard to do


DIALOGUE: And that's exactly
just what I'm gonna tell her - as soon
as she gets outta that bathroom.
Oh! Hi honey! Ah, there's somethin'
I wanted to tell you. What is it?
Ah, your sister just called!
You know, she'd sure like to see you!
Why don't you go visit her for a couple
of days. I'd be glad to take you to the
airport! Huh? Oh. Hey, by the way,
did you hear about that new ceramics
class they just opened up?
You used to like that kind of stuff,
didn't ya? Huh? Oh. Ah, hey,
do you like bowling?


Honey, do we have a bowling ball in the house?
Huh, what was that?
I don't know, maybe later.
Songs list of album: The Tropical Cowboy (2002)
         Title Rating
01   How Can I Miss You (If You Won't Go Away) lyrics   -
02   Cool Your Jets lyrics   -
03   If the Love Fits, Wear It lyrics   -
04    The Beach.... lyrics Add lyrics   -
05   The Beach Blues lyrics   -
06   Little Girl of the Mountains lyrics   -
07   Stuck in Construction lyrics   -
08   Go Way lyrics   -
09   Show Me a Little Honesty lyrics   -
10   The Tropical Cowboy lyrics   -
11   Seize the Day lyrics   -

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