The Wurzels - Virtuet Industrial lyrics
Oh, we be Bristol kiddies. We comes from Bristol City, Where all the blokes is handsome And all the birds is pretty. Weem proud of our 'ome town. It never gets we down, And we got a little motto What we sing up Bedminster Down: Virtute et Industrial! Three cheers for Novers Hill! If the City don't win Saturday, P'raps the Rovers will. Virtute et Industrial! Shout it to thee neighbour. Virtute et Industrial! An' see thee down the Labour. Praise the City Fathers 'Cos they know what they'n doin'. Don't listen to they moaners Who says weem going' to ruin. They talks of Portbury, But I ain't kiddin' thee, Who wants docks When all the locks On the lavatories be free? Virtute et Industrial! Long live all the brewers! Build more pubs and bettin' shops. Don't waste the cash on sewers. Virtute et Industrial! Let's have another drink. Virtute et Industrial! An' never mind the stink. Oh, we be livin' well. Bad times is in the distance. We lives it up like hell On National Assistance. It ain't that we do shirk To do a bit of work, But if you coulst live without it, Well, who'd be such a berk? Virtute et Industrial! We be such sober people. Bristol's like a gert big church With a thousand-foot glass steeple. Virtute et Industrial! No drunks is ever seen (hic). Virtute et Industrial! Well, thees know what I mean. Let progress be our watchword. Hooray for all the planners! They keeps the traffic flowing And never minds the tanners. From Lulsgate thees could tear To Paris, now by air, But the buses down Old Market Is enough to make thee swear. Virtute et Industrial! Cardiff's now much nearer. They'n gonna print the Evening Post In Welsh to make things queerer. Virtute et Industrial! Sing "Nostra Yakki Da." Virtute et Industrial! What fink of 'ee? Oh, ah. With one-way streets and flyovers We knows which way ween facing. Has you seen our brand new bridge Down at Cumberland Basin? The cars go by like thunder Up and round and under. Just where they goes No bugger knows And 'tain't no bleedin' wonder! Virtute et Industrial! Our town will last for ever. If we can't build the Concorde, We'll buy 'n on the never. Virtute et Industrial! Who got ten million quid? Virtute et Industrial! Well, ther thee bist then, kid. The best of British luck To the Mayor and Corporation! They just come back from France, A credit to the Nation. Now, mind you, keep it dark, But they reckon the old Town Clerk Bought back they Follies Bergères In exchange for Ashton Park. Virtute et Industrial! Up the Downs on Sundays. We spent the rent on Saturdays Down Nelson Street on Mondays. Virtute et Industrial! May Bristol never fail. Virtute et Industrial, Till weem all out Arno's Vale. |
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