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Deirdre Flint - Fishlands lyrics

Eddied trying to make it with the scuba diver,
Katie's sacked out in the treasure chest.
Bobby's floatin' lifeless on the top of the bowl
We warned him one more flake would be his death.
Crazy Jane got her name from eating her own young
Man we all swim a wide path around her
Me, I was inhaling bubbles just lookin' for trouble
When Mrs. Murphy moved the furniture.
Now she's got us by a big picture window
With a clear view of the Jersey bay far below
And it drew us all together (except Bobby of course)
To talk about primordial things that fish just seem to know
And Eddie relayed stories his old man told us
'Bout a place he lived in the past
Where you could swim all day and swim all night
And never even hit the glass
Crazy Jane said,
Songs list of album: Shuffleboard Queens (1999)
         Title Rating
01   We Fit Right lyrics   -
02   Past Life Regressed lyrics   -
03   Cheerleader lyrics   -
04   Marrow of My Bone lyrics   -
05    Introduction to Belly Dancing lyrics Add lyrics   -
06    King of the Rollerama lyrics Add lyrics   -
07   The Boob Fairy lyrics   -
08   New Shoes lyrics   -
09   The Shuffleboard Queens lyrics   -
10   Tinman lyrics   -
11   Fishlands lyrics   -
12   The Bridesmaid Dress Song lyrics   -
13   I'm Single lyrics   -

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