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Composer: Defleshed

Defleshed - Pick Your Poison lyrics

Regret is what man is made of
Regret for things done wrong
and for things not done at all

But does it make sense - to build defence
between ones guilt and ones need - to make ammends

The grass is always greener on the other side

So why is this true - why always view
things from a false perspective - dreams of what others do

How come the upper crust
do dream of immortality
If in fortune trust then
dead regardless
Pick your poison

What is man hoping for
Why always much wants more
Dead regardless
Pick your poison

Abscence makes the heart grow founder
Abscence when asunder
This is a wicked wonder

But does it make sense - to build defence
between ones guilt and ones need - to make ammends

How come the upper crust
do dream of immortality
If in fortune trust then
dead regardless
Pick your poison

Dead regardless
Pick your poison

Is there a point in trying
when our mentality
is hopelessly undermined
What is there left but dying
Sensing fatality
of the entire mankind

Regret is what man is made of
Regret for things done wrong
and for things not done at all

So why is this true - why always view
things from a false perspective - dreams of what others do

What is there left but dying
Sensing fatality
of the entire mankind
Songs list of album: Royal Straight Flesh (2003)
         Title Rating
01   Hand Over Fist lyrics   -
02    Fire in the Soul lyrics Add lyrics   -
03   Friction lyrics   -
04   Warborn lyrics   -
05    Feed on the Fallen lyrics Add lyrics   -
06   Royal Straight Flesh lyrics   -
07   Back for the Attack lyrics   -
08   Blood Brigade lyrics   -
09   Pick Your Poison lyrics   -
10   Dangerous When Dead lyrics   -
11   Brakefailure lyrics   -

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