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Composer: Darwin's Waiting Room

Darwin's Waiting Room - All I Have Is Me lyrics

You took one final look, my tears they turned to ice
A frozen sacrifice, your body heat's my paradise
I've built up many layers, but none can keep me warm Deceiving
is believing in the calm before the storm We complicate our lives
with things to define threw it all away to see what was mine
Cleared out my insides, echoing hollow I'll forever wallow,
in your footsteps i follow Warily, I search for solidarity In our
disparity, your love for me was charity This s reality, for all that it's
worth If you're not perfect then i just don't belong on this earth

And just like a disease All the faces i see remind me of you

cause they seem just like you wanna reach out and touch you
All I have is me, all i want is you They seem just like you Why can't
I forget you All I have is me with this memory Fading alone

I'm an array of imperfections on display My life has been on
layaway since the day you went away I've watched myself decay, the
ripe is turning rotten Feeling nostalgic now you're gone but not
forgotten I lack luster, what was new has turned to rust I'm filled up
with disgust, wish the world would turn to dust It's hard to read just
cause now i find it strange To trust in something that constanly change
A long-range exchange, for years I've sought you The pain I've
brought you, your've taught me what i've taught you We can't
escape ourselves or even one another I will never recover this is love
like no other

I'm gonna rip, rip you out of me I'm F*ck, F*ck you out of me

Never you Never you Never you Never you They could never be you
Never be you Never be you They could never be you
Songs list of album: Orphan (2001)
         Title Rating
01   Feel So Stupid (Table 9) lyrics   -
02    Live for the Moment lyrics Add lyrics   -
03   Sometimes It Happens Like This lyrics   -
04    In to the Dark lyrics Add lyrics   -
05   Another Way lyrics   -
06   Spent lyrics   -
07   D.I.Y.M. lyrics   -
08   Realize lyrics   -
09   Innosense lyrics   -
10   Transparent lyrics   -
11   All I Have Is Me lyrics   -

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