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Kevin Bloody Wilson - Kristmas on the Piss lyrics

was pissin down all christmas dat the sheep were fucken drenched
floods and fucken cyclones in the middle of the wet
it'll take a month to dry em but they just gotta be clipped
when they're soaking you cant shear em so we stuck em in the press and went

ringing out the sheep, ringing out the sheep
spent all fucken christmas day ringing out the sheep
ringing out the sheep, ringing out the sheep
spent all fucken christmas day ringing out the sheep

i'm only just a rouse about i'm pretty new at this
and while them bastard shearers are ringing out the sheep
i'm standing by the wool press and while there being squeazed
there's sheep shit flying everywhere i'm sweepin up the shed, yea

i'm sweepin up the shed, sweepin up the shed
spent all fuckin christmas day sweepin up the shed
while were ringing out the sheep, ringing out the sheep
spent all fucken christmas day ringing out the sheep

i'm a kiwi shearer, first christmas day in oz
and christmas in new zealand is different because
thats when you stick your welly's on and bring round all your mates
to join you in the gang bang and spend all christmas day aye

Reaming out the sheep, reaming out the sheep
spend all fuckin christmas day reaming out the sheep
yea sweepin up the shed, sweepin up the shed
spent all fucken christmas day sweepin up the shed
while were ringin out the sheep, ringin out the sheep
spend all fuckin christmas day ringin out the sheep

the sheep are in the dry paddock and were all back in the shed
we finally rung the bastards out but were near fucken dead
but fuck it all its christmas so lets do what we do best
drink to the occasion and spent kristmas on the piss

yea drinkin heaps of piss, drinkin heaps of piss
spend all fucken kristmas day drinkin heaps of piss
aye reamin out the sheep, reamin out the sheep
spend all fucken kristmas day reaming out the sheep
yea sweeping up the shed, sweeping up the shed
spend all fucken kristmas day sweeping up the shed
while were ringing out the sheep, ringing out the sheep
spent all fucking kristmas day ringing out the sheep

yea kristmas on the piss, kristmas on the piss
spend all fucken kristmas day kristmas on the piss
yea kristmas on the piss, kristmas on the piss
spend all fucken kristmas day kristmas on the piss

yea kristmas on the piss, kristmas on the piss
spend all fucken kristmas day kristmas on the piss
yea kristmas on the piss, kristmas on the piss
spend all fucken kristmas day kristmas on the piss

spend all fucken kristmas day kristmas on the piss
Songs list of album: Kev's Kristmas (2003)
         Title Rating
01   Hey Santa Claus lyrics  
02   Kristmas Without Snow lyrics  
03    He Only Comes Once a Year lyrics Add lyrics   -
04    Ho Ho Fucking Ho lyrics Add lyrics   -
05    Santa's Fuckin' Roadies lyrics Add lyrics   -
06   Kristmas on the Piss lyrics   -
07    Tattoo of Santa lyrics Add lyrics   -
08   Roo Dog lyrics  
09   Santa Was Stoned lyrics   -
10    Grandad's Finger lyrics Add lyrics   -
11    Amazing Grass lyrics Add lyrics   -
12    What About Poor Old Santa Claus lyrics Add lyrics   -

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