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Composer: Marie-Lynn Hammond

Marie-Lynn Hammond - Why Do I Have This Thing for Jewish Men lyrics

oy veh oy vey oy vey oy veh oy veh
why did I have to fall for another Jewish guy today
my hearts like a bagel got a hole in the middle
been shafted again and again
oh why do I have this thing for Jewish men

twas in college that I met my first one, Leonard Jay Mandel
he drew me like a magnet though why I could not tell
for me, a good French Catholic girl, I saw this could be tough
so I prayed that hed convert but I guess I didnt pray hard enough

cause he dumped me right around the time Id hoped to meet his folks
I was hurt I didnt understand till I heard his buddy joke
Shiksas are only for practice well youd think Id have learned from that
but no then I had to go fall for the buddy Myron Rosenblatt!


well Myron left me for a blonde and oh how I did pine
at least till Joey Gold appeared, and later Sheldon Stein
when Id bring them home maman would roll her French Canadian eyes
and then shed serve tortiere for lunch you know those minced pork pies?

well theyd leave quite quickly after that and then maman would say
Mon dieu dont you meet any Catholic boys - I think I will have to pray
a special novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus to help you -
Well thats great, Id tell her but remember Ma - Jesus was Jewish too!


now why with our dominant WASPy culture, why do I have this thing?
Jewish men dont look like Robert Redford, they dont look like Sting
but maybe thats it - its my hot French blood that requires the exotic
or maybe its the heavy religious trip making them, like me neurotic
maybe I just like them cause theyre passionate and smart
Jewish men have chutzpah, they have chumour, they have cheart

so whats the
Songs list of album: Black & White...and Shades of Grey (1990)
         Title Rating
01   Not Another Benefit lyrics   -
02   Mothers Teach Your Sons lyrics   -
03   Science Is Wonderful lyrics   -
04   Why Do I Have This Thing for Jewish Men lyrics   -
05   Eve Gave Adam the Apple lyrics   -
06   Temagami Round lyrics   -
07   Sisters and Friends lyrics   -
08    Pleine Lune lyrics Add lyrics   -
09    Shades of Grey (The Major's Song) lyrics Add lyrics   -
10    Nobody Knows What's Happening to Love lyrics Add lyrics   -
11    Les Deux Amies lyrics Add lyrics   -
12    Still Not over You Yet lyrics Add lyrics   -

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