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Composer: Kris Delmhorst

Kris Delmhorst - Too Late lyrics

Good friday came early, some might say that's just as well

It's a wreckingball afternoon, leave everything where it fell

And the things that were said still ring in your head.

You'd give anything to be wrong

But there's no turning back, too late's come + gone

Now it's somerville avenue rain and the night's coming down

And you're looking for someone to blame in an innocent town

On the road all alone, getting further from home,

Every step that you take feels so long

But there's no turning back, too late's come + gone

I remember the light in your eyes put the neon to shame.

And the smoke hidden deep in your throat when you'd whisper my name.

Oh the road is so rough, it's all been enough,

I got no idea how we go on.

But there's no turning back. too late's come and gone.

Songs list of album: Songs for a Hurricane (2003)
         Title Rating
01    Waiting Under the Waves lyrics Add lyrics   -
02    East of the Mountains lyrics Add lyrics   -
03   You're No Train lyrics   -
04   Bobby Lee lyrics   -
05   Weathervane lyrics   -
06    Juice + June lyrics Add lyrics   -
07   Hummingbird lyrics   -
08   Hurricane lyrics   -
09   Come Home lyrics   -
10   Too Late lyrics   -
11   Wasted Word lyrics   -
12   Short Work lyrics   -
13   Mingalay lyrics   -

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