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Composer: Agathodaimon, Vlad Dracul

Agathodaimon - Les Posedes lyrics

Deep into the darkness peering
Long I stood there fearing
Dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before...
But the silence was unbroken
And the stillness gave no token
And the only word there spoken
Was the whispered word: Veritas
This the dark whispered
And an echo murmured back the word
Merely this and nothing more!
Fools and faith conspire
Questions of desire
That they never owned before
Kings without their armour
Men without their honour
We all slip into oblivion
We are the dark inside the night
The ghosts about which the poets write
And the dreams that night's embrace
That slowly leave without a trace...
O, suflet sparge-odata, ingusta-ti inchisoare
Si scutura-te-odata de-acest lut pamintesc!
Vreau sa m-agat de tine, spre cer navala dind
Cum viermii de-un cadavru s-agata misunind!
English translation of last verse:
O, soul, break away from your tiny cage
And shake off your body of clay
I want to cling on to you, rushing towards heavens
As maggots cling on to a dead body, creeping!!!
Songs list of album: Higher Art of Rebellion (1999)
         Title Rating
01   Ne Cheama Pamintul lyrics   -
02   Tongue of Throns lyrics   -
03   Glasul Artei Viitoare lyrics   -
04   When She Was Mute lyrics   -
05    A Death in Its Plenitude lyrics Add lyrics   -
06   Body of Clay lyrics   -
07   Novus Ordo Seclorum lyrics   -
08    Back into the Shadows lyrics Add lyrics   -
09   Les Posedes lyrics   -
10   Neovampirism lyrics   -
11   Heavens's Coffin lyrics   -
12    Ribbons/Requiem '99 lyrics Add lyrics   -
13    Body of Clay [Remix Version] lyrics Add lyrics   -

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