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Composer: John Mark Comer, Seven Places

Seven Places - Yours lyrics

Echoes the sound of a rusty box
around it goes tillsomething pops
a toothless lion, he is weak and he is old
but it scares me every time

I feel my knees shake underneath
can't hear myself,
through my almost shattered
chattering teeth, but without fail
Your spirit sweeps me off my feet
so I can scream,

What's left to see is that
I'll always be just Yours
and all that I am I lay down in Your hands
cause I'm yours.

Hell was inevitable
until your love was edible
I've tasted and I've seen, You're the one for me

What's left to see is that I'll always be just Yours
and all that I am I lay down in Your hands
because I'm Yours
Songs list of album: Lonely for the Last Time (2003)
         Title Rating
01   Yours lyrics   -
02   Everything lyrics   -
03   Landslide lyrics   -
04   Like It Never Happened lyrics   -
05   It Might Be Today lyrics   -
06    Along the Way lyrics Add lyrics   -
07    Lonely for the Last Time lyrics Add lyrics   -
08   Thinking It Over lyrics   -
09   Into Your Heart lyrics   -
10    Stay the Same lyrics Add lyrics   -
11   The Western Wall lyrics   -
12   Little lyrics   -
13   Awakening lyrics   -

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