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Composer: 40 Grit

40 Grit - Fade Into You lyrics

Pleasure to pleasure, reason with reason
Sustain, endeavour, your pain deceiving
Now here's a question, what is your pleasure?
Can't run away from here, you can't afford to hide
Consume your weakness, cannot defend
Fed to you now and then, you're feeling worn inside
Raped of your tension, once you reason
Your thoughts are lost again, I can hear an empty cry
Silenced with violence, broken demeanor
Reason with reason, so inferior
So here's a question, what is your pleasure?
Can't run away from here, you can't afford to hide
You're searching for answers, so close yet so far away
Thrown back into your face, you're running out of time
Consume your weakness, underneath this disguise
Lies pain you're soon to know
hang you with these starring eyes

Just point the blame to another
Unfocused time
You're in between, you're uncovered
Something in there you cannot define

Fading to me, this is the question
Fade into me, this is depression
Can I find strength to put this bullet in my head

Songs list of album: Heads (2000)
         Title Rating
01   Ground Zero lyrics   -
02   Serving Time lyrics   -
03   Sneaky Glass Face lyrics   -
04   Groin lyrics   -
05   Fade Into You lyrics   -
06   Spit lyrics   -
07   No Name lyrics   -
08   Three Spaces lyrics   -
09   Tension lyrics   -
10   Think lyrics   -
11   Wide Mouth lyrics   -

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