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Linea 77 - Smile lyrics

Monday: alzati presto, lasciati mangiare e digerire.
Tuesday: little move headache, adapt yourself.
Wednesday: il caffe' non ti sveglia, trova una scusa, lecca i tuoi idoli.
Thursday: nail polish, smile...also if you can't. Fuck!!!
Friday: lo so' che non hai voglia, svegliati e stupiscimi.
Saturday: you're their food, just too little and fool give up the fight.
Sunday: tempaku vitamin sat mina itzi.
Your birthday: you are really cool, youre shining like the
Watch this sun now and try to live as you can.
Watch this sun now and try to push away your stupid mistakes.
Monday: don't smile let them eat and digest you.
Tuesday: sugoshi ugoita daked tsusugasur.
Wednesday: coffee doesn't help you.
Thursday: rossetto, smalto. sorridi...non sta' bene non farlo. Fuck!!!
Friday: wake up and surprise me.
Saturday: sei di nuovo il loro cibo.
Sunday: proteins, vitamins, all they really need.
Your birthday: sei il piu' belloa risplendi in mezzo a noi fuck!!!
Watch this sun now and try to live as you can. and try to push away your stupid mistakes.
Watch this sun now and try to live as you can.
Watch this sun now and try to push away your stupid mistakes.
Songs list of album: Ketchup Suicide (2001)
         Title Rating
01   Potato Music Machine lyrics   -
02   Ketchup Suicide lyrics   -
03   Tadayuki Song lyrics   -
04    McHuman Deluxe lyrics Add lyrics   -
05   Miss It lyrics   -
06   Smile lyrics   -
07   You/Kimono lyrics   -
08   Lo-Fi Boy lyrics   -
09    Cacai lyrics Add lyrics   -
10   Moka lyrics   -

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