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Composer: Arnalds, Eythor

Moa - Toy lyrics

How come
It's so easy to remember
How come
It's so hard to forget
How come
It's so easy to surrender
How come
It's so hard to defend

You're spinning me around in my brain
Like a bibble in a glass of champagne
You confuse me
You seduce me
Stop spinning me around
I'm not your toy

I'm a girl
I'm not your toy
And you're a boy

How come
It's so easy to flow
How come
It's so hard to remain
How come
It's so easy to tempt
How come
It's so hard to resist

You're spinning me around in my brain
Like a bibble in a glass of champagne
You confuse me
You seduce me
Stop spinning me around
I'm not your toy

I'm a girl
I'm not your toy
And you're a boy

I'm a girl
I'm not your toy
And you're a boy

How come, how come

You're spinning me around in my brain
Like a bibble in a glass of champagne
You confuse me
You seduce me
Stop spinning me around
I'm not your toy

I'm a girl
I'm not your toy
And you're a boy
I'm not your toy
I'm a girl
I'm not your toy
And you're a boy...
Songs list of album: Universal (1998)
         Title Rating
01    Joy & Pain lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Toy lyrics   -
03    Memory Cloud lyrics Add lyrics   -
04   Rockets lyrics   -
05    Can't Forget You lyrics Add lyrics   -
06   Tenderly lyrics   -
07   Declaration lyrics   -
08    Raining in My Heart lyrics Add lyrics   -
09   Forever lyrics   -
10   Overcome lyrics   -
11    Virtual Affair lyrics Add lyrics   -
12    Raining in My Heart [*] lyrics Add lyrics   -

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