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#  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

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Composer: Justin Stewart Cotta, Memento

Memento - Nothing Sacred lyrics

Since father of the world
i knew i had to face you
if your lying
the color of my bite
just flavor reminds me of you
in my time off

in your blood i'll rise
i am not afraid
this is who i am
and i will never be like you
i do not kneel
all i'm asking is nothing sacred
any more

the singing through the flood
why did he keep two of you
you keep lying
splinters in your minds eye
my phoenex rises to swoop
in my off

in your blood i'll rise
i am not afraid
this is who i am
and i will never be like you
i do not kneel
all i'm asking is nothing sacred, nothing sacred
any more

is it safe for me
nothing sacred, nothing sacred

take the edge of my thumbs
bury their nails deep into your eyes
take the edge of my thumbs
bury their nails deep into your eyes

in your blood i'll rise
i am not afraid
this is who i am
and i will never be like you
i do not kneel
all i'm asking is nothing sacred, nothing sacred
any more
Songs list of album: Beginnings (2003)
         Title Rating
01   Nothing Sacred lyrics   -
02   Saviour lyrics   -
03   Beginnings lyrics   -
04   Shell lyrics   -
05   Abyss lyrics   -
06   Below lyrics   -
07    Reflections lyrics Add lyrics   -
08   Blister lyrics   -
09   Coming lyrics   -
10   Stare lyrics   -
11   Figure 8 lyrics   -

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