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Composer: Tirill Mohn

Tirill Mohn - Nights Are Colder lyrics

Nights are colder
The year grows older
The waves are taller
The wind that throws them over
Whispers through the leaves
A song of wishful dreams
Come closer to the fire
And be calm with me

Hear, my songs are weeping
’Cause my time with you is passing
Like summers clouds are drifting
But our love is everlasting
The feeling stays with me
Among the fruit trees in our garden
As I gather golden leaves for you

When trees have thrown their leaves
Aflaming to the ground
And withered all the roses
And faded all the sounds
Of winds that sing through leafy crowns
Then I’ll go out to see:
They shine so bright the stars above
Still it’s you I wish to see
It is you I wish to see.

Nights are colder
The year grows older
The waves are taller
The wind that throws them over
Whispers through the leaves
A song of wishful dreams
Come closer to the fire
And be calm with me

When trees have thrown their leaves
Aflaming to the ground
And withered all the roses
In our garden and around
The autumn’s clearest night
Compels me out to be
Consoled by crescent moon’s light
Still it’s you I wish to see
It is you I wish to see.
Songs list of album: A Dance With the Shadows (2004)
         Title Rating
01   Nights Are Colder lyrics  
02   Don't Dare to Love You lyrics  
03   Winter Roses lyrics  
04   June's Flowers lyrics  
05   Dressed in Beauty lyrics  
06   Heavy Heaves lyrics  
07   Vendela lyrics  
08   Golds of Morning lyrics  
09   It Was Blue lyrics  
10   Ruby lyrics  
11   When You Sleep lyrics  

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When You Sleep lyrics
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