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#  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

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Composer: Van Roy, Johan

Suicide Commando - So Many Questions lyrics

Impressions of death

the last seconds of your life

tell me what do you feel

tell me what do you see do you see

the light the light of eternity

or is it just darkness

purgatory in hell Is there

a heaven Or is it just the hell

Is there a god to believe in

Or is it just the devil

So many questions

stay without an answer

So many doors

stay without an entrance

Impressions of death

the last seconds of your life

tell me what do you feel

tell me what do you see

do you see the light

the light of eternity

or is it just darkness

purgatory in hell

Is there a heaven

Or is it just the hell

Is there a god to believe in

Or is it just the devil
Songs list of album: Critical Stage (2003)
         Title Rating
01    Critical Stage lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Sheer Horror lyrics   -
03    H.I.V. + lyrics Add lyrics   -
04    Traumatize lyrics Add lyrics   -
05   So Many Questions lyrics   -
06   Time lyrics   -
07   Fate lyrics   -
08   Necrophilia lyrics   -
09   Revenge lyrics   -
10    Where Do We Go from Here? lyrics Add lyrics   -
11   Under God's Eye lyrics   -
12    The Dreamhouse [Mental Version] lyrics Add lyrics   -

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