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Composer: Brad Miles, Hinkle, Craig, Shannon Hinkle, Marcus Yoars

Everman - You Are lyrics

Everything I have is broken and abused
Offering it up is all I know to do
What am I without You

You are the pillar before me
You are the promise of peace
You are the brightest morning star, You are
You are the broken and lonely
You are the triumphant king
You are the one who bears my scars, You are

Rivers of this world have washed away my truth
Places left to stand are perilously few
Where am I without You

Nations rise upon the backs of those they bruise
We scratch and claw for every hold that we cling to
Who are we without You

You are the glorious morning
You are a glimmer of hope
You are the beat of every heart, Lord, You are
You are the holy of holies
You are redeemer and friend
You are waiting with open arms, You are
Songs list of album: Everman (2003)
         Title Rating
01   Around lyrics   -
02   I Will Remember lyrics   -
03   Providence lyrics   -
04   You Are lyrics   -
05   Carry Me lyrics   -
06   Still Waiting lyrics   -
07   Not Alone lyrics   -
08   Believe lyrics   -
09   Miracle lyrics   -
10   Changing Me lyrics   -
11   December lyrics   -
12   You Only, Most Holy lyrics   -

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