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Composer: Hangnail

Hangnail - Friendly Advice lyrics

I hear about you and all the things,
the things that you do,
and the hurt that it brings.
I don't understand your reasoning and I don't know why.
You think that you can do things your way.
A fool can only satisfy himself.
My life's not perfect as you can see.
It's just that I possess a broken heart.
You claim to believe in forgiving love.
Forgiveness is yours if you'd look up above.
I can't understand you're reasoning and I don't know why.
Songs list of album: Transparent (2003)
         Title Rating
01   Wrong Is Wrong lyrics   -
02   65,000 Miles Later lyrics   -
03   Carry Me lyrics   -
04   With Hands Tied lyrics   -
05   Real Life Illustration lyrics   -
06   Closemouthed Concern lyrics   -
07   Commitment Unbreakable lyrics   -
08   All That You Wanted lyrics   -
09    Taken for Granted lyrics Add lyrics   -
10   Facing Changes lyrics   -
11   Second Guess lyrics   -
12   Home Sick lyrics   -
13   Double Standard lyrics   -
14   Carry Me lyrics   -
15   Decision Making lyrics   -
16   Friendly Advice lyrics   -
17   Closemouthed Concern lyrics   -
18   No Name Yet lyrics   -

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