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Composer: K. Jones, Hinson, E.

Sticky Fingaz - Oh My God lyrics

(Sticky Talking)

C'mon man - oh my fucking God man..

Oh shit, what the fuck did I do?

It's all my fucking fault man, it's all my fucking fault

Fuck man, fuck am I doing man, why man

Why God, why did you have to take her? Fuck..


Why? Why? Why God why?

Everything I love always seems to die

Answer me, speak to me, I don't hear you

Answer me, motherfucker I ain't scared of you

Is there even a God? Do you even exist?

What I gotta do to speak to you slit my wrists?

I'm talking to a God that I can't see

Can you see me? Can you see me?


Are you confused my son, and scared?

Let me make things more clear, so you're more aware


Fuck who was that all this shit is freaking me


It is I God did you not say you wanted to speak with me?


Bullshit I am talking to myself, I'm going insane


You are talking to yourself we are one of the same


It can't be it must be the drugs I'm high

And if you are then why are we born if we live to die?

Is there life after death? What were we before birth?

Why is this whole earth plagued and cursed?

Is killing a sin is there life in other planets?

Is adultery wrong did you write the ten commandments?


Excuse me my son, one question at a time

We were never born, and we will never die

In the essence, there Is no such thing as death

How could I write commandments and not have them kept?

The soul is eternal you just change form

Then you come back with a new face on

You can not limit love unless you lack understanding

To answer you yes there is life in other planets

The futures a mystery the past is history

Today is a gift that's why it is called the present

Life is so simple unless you make it confusing

The wise ones stand us and the clever we are using


Wait - God, there is so much I want to ask you

God, God? Where are you? God I need to talk to you


If you could talk to God, exactly what would you say?

If you could talk to God, exactly what would you say?

If you could talk to God


Tell me, are there psychics that can speak telepathically?


Yes but if you use more than one tenth of the minds capacity


I can't think I feel life going down the drain

In the streets everywhere I am surround in pain


Don't think, your thoughts are just that- thoughts

Your feelings will really erase what you been taught

Feelings are the language of the soul the soul is truth

I speak through you to aware the youth


But why let the suffering go on why not just stop it?


In order for anything to exist, so much is opposite

How can there be left if there was never right?

How can something know death if it never knew life?

How can you lose, if nobody won?

How can it be dark if there was never a sun?

That which is not grandeur, the soil still blessed

Form must exist for part of themself to manifest


But I never asked to be born, I hate my life

And if you are God dammit then show me the light

And tell me- what's the meaning of life?


The process of all life

is an ongoing, never-ending process of recreation of self


Is God a he or she is there one true religion?


I'm the Alpha, the Omega, the beginning and ending

We are all one and everything is living


If you could talk to God, exactly what would you say?

If you could talk to God, exactly what would you say?

If you could talk to God
Songs list of album: Black Trash: The Autobiography of Kirk Jones (2000)
         Title Rating
01    Intro lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Come On lyrics   -
03   My Dogz Iz My Gunz lyrics   -
04   Not Dyin' lyrics   -
05    Kirk Jones Conscience lyrics Add lyrics   -
06   Money Talks lyrics   -
07   Why lyrics   -
08   Oh My God lyrics   -
09   State Vs Kirk Jones lyrics   -
10    Kirk Jones Conscience II lyrics Add lyrics   -
11   Baby Brother lyrics   -
12   Cheatin' lyrics   -
13   What Chu Want lyrics   -
14   Ghetto lyrics   -
15   What If I Was White lyrics   -
16   Sister I'm Sorry lyrics   -
17   Get It Up lyrics   -
18    Kirk Jones Conscience III lyrics Add lyrics   -
19    Licken Off in Hip-Hop lyrics Add lyrics   -
20   Wonderful World lyrics   -

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