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Composer: Steve Taylor, Tony Palacios

Guardian - Coffee Can lyrics

Each night the dream began
We were sitting here, waiting on our coffee cans
Eyes fixed upon the skies
I was thinking of You, and if I qualified
Then when the trumpet blew
The reality hit, this wasn't pay-per-view
My can lifted up and out
'Til the siren wailed, and a megaphone shouted

Pull that bucket over
Let me see your registration
You'll be questioned at the station
By a good cop, bad cop
If they find you guilty
They'll impound your can in Hades
Where the grounded lads and ladies
Had it good 'til the last drop

I watched the others fly
On their coffee cans, as they waived goodbye
Freed from the earthly grind
They had escaped the roast, I'd been identified
Dream police nowhere to be found
I was left choking on the muddy grounds
I calmed down and reached for my Pez
But the head on the dispenser was Juan Valdez

Pull that bucket over
Let me see your registration
You'll be questioned at the station
By a good cop, bad cop
If they find you guilty
They'll impound your can in Hades
Where the grounded lads and ladies
Had it good 'til the last drop

Tossing in my sleep again
The metaphor was wearing thin
'Til my nightmare stretched it even more
Lord you placed the bitter cup
Against your lips, and drank it up
To bring me where you are
I can't believe I've wandered off this far

Woke up and smeeled the coffee
I don't like what caffeine does to me
God's got a pull I've felt first hand
I've gotta stop believeing my coffee can

Pull that bucket over
Let me see your registration
You'll be questioned at the station
By a good cop, bad cop
If they find you guilty
They'll impound your can in Hades
Where the grounded lads and ladies
Had it good 'til the last drop

Bad dream, but I understand
That you can't get to Heaven on a coffee can
Songs list of album: Bottle Rocket (1997)
         Title Rating
01    Are We Feeling Comfortable Yet? lyrics Add lyrics   -
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03   Coffee Can lyrics   -
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06   Babble On lyrics   -
07    Blue Light Special lyrics Add lyrics   -
08    Break Me Down lyrics Add lyrics   -
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10    My Queen Esther lyrics Add lyrics   -
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