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Despair - Silent Screaming lyrics

Silent screaming and no one needs to listen
We don't care for each other's feelings
Try to hide behind some self styled ignorance
We have to realize the probs next door to us

The affluent society
Let the children pay the bill
It rips their innocence away

We are blind to problems in our surrounding
Can't hear the cry in the neighbourhood
Do you really think this is a game?
I call it maltreatment

Your conscience - you cut out
Morbid desires - you live out
You agonize children to satisfy your lust
To satisfy your sick mind
Their souls will pay the cost

What the hell is going on in your mind?
Don't you ever think about your children?
You torture the ones you should preserve
Your existence is a perversity
Songs list of album: Decay of Humanity (1991)
         Title Rating
01   Decay of Humanity lyrics   -
02   Cry for Liberty lyrics   -
03   Delusion lyrics   -
04   Victims of Vanity lyrics   -
05   A Distant Territory lyrics   -
06   Silent Screaming lyrics   -
07   Radiated lyrics   -
08    Satanic Verses lyrics Add lyrics   -

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