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Composer: Banks, Fieldman, Heacock, Ottoson

American Head Charge - Ridicule lyrics

Ridicule my own

So precious alone

These faces of everyone

Remind me of home

You're plotting riddled sin

All my needs giving in

Blow me a kiss and leave me to the dogs

So, you think you got it

You think you know me

You wanna bring me down

I am in my finest hour

Ridicule my own

So precious alone

These faces of everyone

Remind me of home

You're watching me dying

How am I looking?

Why don't you take a picture

You're plotting riddled sin

All my needs giving in

Blow me a kiss

And leave me to the dogs

My fear, traps me waiting for it

My past is glowing red and yellow, again

Run, back where you came from

Not that it matters

I'll never see you again

My fists strain to sift mercy

Ridicule my own

So precious alone

These faces of everyone

Remind me of home

You're plotting riddled sin

All my needs giving in

Blow me a kiss and leave me to the dogs

My fear, traps me waiting for it

My past is glowing red and yellow, again

My fate will show me where to follow
Songs list of album: The Feeding (2005)
         Title Rating
01   Loyalty lyrics   -
02   Pledge Allegiance lyrics   -
03   Dirty lyrics   -
04   Ridicule lyrics   -
05   Take What I've Taken lyrics   -
06   Leave Me Alone lyrics   -
07   Walk Away lyrics   -
08   Erratic lyrics   -
09   Fiend lyrics   -
10   Cowards lyrics   -
11   To Be Me lyrics   -

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