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Composer: Dog Fashion Disco

Dog Fashion Disco - The Acid Memoirs lyrics

in my youth i took a trip
my first initial acid trip
and it hit me like a ton of bricks

my eyes they quickly dialated
i began hallucinating
at the tender age of seventeen

as i watched the tv
my dog speaking to me
telling me i'm going insane

i recall a scene it's halloween
and i am dressed as a drag queen
peaking to the point of no return

i met a man i shook his hand
he spoke i could not understand
he was covered with flies and afterbirth

the _______ were singing
the bees they were stinging
as pink flamingos ______ on the ground

i am the witness
i am the _______
i am the elephant man

these are strange things
beautifully _______

doing it and dropping out
dancing ______ twist and shout
_______ atomic braced this level(?)
resurrects the power head

cherishing the subtleties
illusion is reality
swimming the electric potion
________ were set in motion

our _____ perform autopsies
on _____ cavaties
frontal lobe labotomies
electric shock to chimpanzees

this cause of sorrow is desire
eagles _____ selfish fire
illusion is reality

the _______ were singing
the bees they were stinging
as pink flamingos ______ on the ground

visions oh clearly
are _________________
the god by ______

i am the witness
i am the _______
i am the elephant man

these are strange things
beautifully _______
Songs list of album: Committed to a Bright Future (2003)
         Title Rating
01    Love Song for a Witch lyrics Add lyrics   -
02   Rapist Eyes lyrics   -
03   Dr. Piranha lyrics   -
04    Fetus on the Beat lyrics Add lyrics   -
05    Worm in a Dog's Heart lyrics Add lyrics   -
06   Plastic Surgeons lyrics   -
07    Pogo the Clown lyrics Add lyrics   -
08   Castaway lyrics   -
09    Nude in the Wilderness lyrics Add lyrics   -
10   The Acid Memoirs lyrics   -
11   Deja Vu lyrics   -
12   Magical Band of Fools lyrics   -

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