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Composer: Catie Curtis

Catie Curtis - Everybody Was Dancing lyrics

She runs right up to the very edge
Then takes a step back to clear her head
She got married at twenty-one
After thirty years, it’s hard to jump
It’s hard to jump

Everybody was dancing on their wedding day
All her friends have been asking
“Why would you throw it away?”
And she doesn’t know what to say

He is watching from back in his chair
Wondering if she’s bluffing, if it’s a dare
He’d like to tell her they can work it out
But the tender words won't come out
They won't come out

Everybody was dancing on their wedding day
All her friends have been asking
“Why would you throw it away?”
And she doesn’t know what to say

She feels the terror most when she looks down
She drops a penny and doesn’t hear a sound
And yet the silence in her own home
Begs the question “Why not be alone?”
Why not alone

Everybody was dancing on their wedding day
And to herself she’s asking
“Why do I stay?”
And she doesn’t know what to say
Songs list of album: Truth from Lies (1995)
         Title Rating
01   You Can Always Be Gone lyrics   -
02   Troubled Mind lyrics   -
03   Radical lyrics   -
04   Dad's Yard lyrics   -
05   Silhouette lyrics   -
06   Everybody Was Dancing lyrics   -
07    Slave to My Belly lyrics Add lyrics   -
08   The Party's Over lyrics   -
09   Crocodile Tears lyrics   -
10   The Wolf lyrics   -
11   Just Getting By lyrics   -
12   Cry Fire lyrics   -

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